Friday, June 11, 2010


Mr. Blogger, hahaha...
wow! reading from the first blog that i entered abt my BUBS! lol
that was soo a million years ago.. jk! Hmm... My first LOVE<3 was the cutiest! I don't regret nothin nd glad Mr. Tyler Saganitso was apart of my young life. Our relationship, became really serious and maybe i got out of hand at times but, we eventually learn from things. Some things i would change but, i would never change the love i had for him. I loved every part of him, meaning i loved him to the extreme, he was the handsome most sexyiest guyy=) my cowboi my luv my world my hero, and my gap boi...and the most loving bf anyone can have. I so would've married this guy! Hey i can still say he is/was my babys daddy =..( But, i THANK-YOU Tyler so much for changing the person i was before! The end to our relationship was painful and hurt, me & maybe him i think. =( sadly, too sayy the guy who was first to break my heart and will be for awhile.. *seems like the guys who i date now i don't get hurt! (NOT MY FAULT) jk. So why should i date!? kiddin...
Will a year went by since our break up! Finally, were talking and back to friends.
It's crazy how i use to talk about my bubs whn i use to write in this blogger thing... & last night i spent time with him for the very first time!!!! CRAZYY...wat a tripp!

until next time... muahhh