Tuesday, September 4, 2007

<3 Ma WeeKend<3

Friday, I missed school for the reason that I have got injured the day before from my volleyball game. My ankle was injured badly and the doctors insist I should stay off of it for a couple of days. So this was day was painful and I rest most of the day.

Saturday, My leg was feeling the same way. I was elevating my leg and laying around at home. This was the day I had seen my ankle from the day it was injured and by the way it looked it seemed it needed more time to heal or just for the swelling to go down.

Sunday, I had to get out of bed to attend a birthday party for my niece. The party was great and my family all had seen my injury. Mean while well everyone else was outside eating and having a great time the pain in my ankle ache in the living room. I was wishing should had stayed home but, with the laughs and just the presents of my family made some of the pain go away with the help of pain medicine.

Monday, was a good day for the reason bubs spent the entire day with me he sure did hear me whine about my ankle. Bubs also took over my mothers job by taking helping me that day. This day i just rested my ankle getting prepared for school the next day.

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